FORM Graduate Exhibition June 2019

Alongside our project work, we’ve been preparing for our Graduate exhibition which is being held the last week in June at the Candid Arts Trust in Islington. There are around 25 of us who will be exhibiting work selected from our final two projects.

It’s been a massive commitment - not least in terms of finance with London venues costing £5k to £10k for a week - but we’ve managed to raise the money we need through fundraising events and also a fundraising page on Facebook to which family and friends of the students exhibiting have generously donated. I’m so impressed by the way everyone has worked so hard to pull this together, and achieved what seemed to be an impossible task at the beginning.

It’s always a real treat to visit exhibitions and enjoy seeing people’s work, but I think we often overlook the sheer hard work, meticulous planning and expense that goes into exhibiting.

The next major task is preparing our work. The stipulation of the gallery is that work is professionally presented, either framed, or mounted. The curation team have been steadily gaining experience through our earlier exhibitions, and it will be really exciting to see our exhibition come to fruition.
